스페인어 델레A2 화상회화수업 에스뜨레야 #4 조금 편해졌어요

I’m continuing to study multiple languages. I’m also keeping records. I have to keep records. This week, I finished two conversation classes on Wednesday and Friday. Two of the classes I planned for number 8 passed. At first, I was so nervous that I didn’t even know what I was talking about, but now I’m very used to it.So here’s my preparation for this week’s class. I mean, I’ve got a lot of words I don’t know, and I’ve looked them up, written them down, written them down, written them down, and made some sentences beforehand — and it’s crazy. So, I’m going to put every single sentence in my head, and I’m not going to say it yet, but I can say concise sentences. I think that’s enough to start with something this light.After listening to it for a while, please correct the sentences you want to correct, the sentences I said wrong, and the parts you think would be better to say more accurately. These are actually many advanced sentences that I don’t understand all of if you just say them, so thankfully, please write them on Skype. I also try to write this in a notebook and read it many times, and get used to the structure.The last photo explanation I did was simply prepared during class, so I just did it. It was a little worse than what I had prepared in advance, but I still feel more comfortable than not long ago. When I was making sentences, I still feel like I have come to use adjectives and adverbs little by little.It was about talking about a favorite book, and I really like reading it, so I recently talked about Project Hail Mary, which I enjoyed reading and wrapped up my book meeting. I read, read, read, read, speak naturally. I keep doing it. The pronunciation is not very bad, but please correct it if you read the stress position incorrectly.Escreya Spanish video conversation Dele readyI took words like jeans, English words, and learned things to write in Spanish sentences. I also use jeans, and most of the pronunciation in English. I was very curious about this.Estreya Spanish Dele A2 Video Conversation ClassEstreya, Spanish teacher DavidI’m already done with the sixth class. I’m behind in my writing homework, so I wrote it today. I focused on conversation class, but I’m behind in writing and not confident. It’s fun to write in real life. If I get feedback, I’m going to publish a correction related to writing separately. It’s fun because I’m getting better. I’m also listening to the YouTube channel that comes out a little slower in Spanish and getting used to it. ※ This is a review of Estreya Espanyol supporters’ activity, and this is a review that I leave freely after a free class! ※ I’ll keep recording it steadily ※I’m just imagining things and telling you, I think they’re college students, and I’m going to be laughing over the weekend or talking about fun things, and then I’m going to have lunch. Hay tres personas en la foto y son jóvenes. Creo que son estudiantes universitarios. Llevan jeans y camisas cómodas normales. Creo que están en la biblioteca porque hay una mesa entre ellos y sobre la mesa, hay un libro y un monitor de computatora. Este libro tiene un marbete. También hay un lector de códigos de barras. Esta charlando , saludándose y tal vez se están contando historias divertidas. Creo que pueden hablar de lo que hicieron durante el fin de semana. Parecen felices y relajadas. Creo que irán juntos a almorzar después de eso. Eso es todo. 여기에서 Esta charlando , saludándose y tal Vez se están contando historias divertidas. He corrected this sentence. I wanted to tell you the nuance that you might be saying hello or talking about something interesting.I’ve also shown you my blog, and I’m sure you came and read a little bit of it because you spoke Korean, right? You may have seen that I found it difficult. You said the word wifi, in Colombia, it’s wifi. In Spanish books, it says wifi. So I asked them, do they not understand wifi? And they said, ‘I understand, but they will laugh.’ I’m always curious about this.I’ve been doing this role-playing game a little bit better since I’ve been doing it four or five times. What I learned is that if you don’t do well, you can hear me better if you take it easy. Otherwise, you’re so nervous that you can’t really hear me well. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get it. Please say it again slowly. I mean, in my previous role-playing game, I was so fast that I suddenly had a mental breakdown. So I thought, oh, I should just put this in the middle of the role-playing game. It was a good strategy. I would use it a lot in practice.This week, as I prepared for class, I tried to re-prepare myself some monologues and stuff. Now that I know how to speak, it’s kind of helping. I’m very short on words, so I have to memorize and fill them in, but I don’t do that, and as I prepare, I really look up a lot of dictionaries. I have some Spanish Dele preparation books that I bought from the shelf a long time ago, so I think I’ll have to keep that in mind. I urgently need a word. This week’s David, you’re listening intently to what I’m talking about.Let’s wrap up the class, and I will continue by re-reading what the teacher left me and what I wrote. It’s speaking in words, but when I was studying Chinese, I found out that I liked to study while writing and reading. It was because Chinese required me to get used to Chinese characters, but I also wrote Spanish just in case. I think I should pay attention to writing a little bit because of the exact location of the place and where I should not.In the course of my class, I tend to ask a lot of questions. There are a lot of things that I can’t find by searching. And then I’m going to ask, ‘This is what it says. Is that really how you write it?’ It would be nice to ask these questions in Spanish, but I still use comfortable English. What is this called in Spanish? Can you just say that? Is that really how you write it? I need to learn these words.

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